Displays Policy - Weldon Library
I. Introductory Statement
Western Libraries, via The D.B. Weldon Library, has display cases and bookcases for exhibits and community collections for public engagement; these cases will be referred to in this document collectively as displays.
The following has been established to guide in the selection and coordination of displays and to inform exhibitors and library patrons of the policies and conditions under which Western Libraries operates its display program.
Displays should be original, finely executed, and finished. Selection and authorization of displays are based on the decision of Western Libraries.
II. General Statement
Western Libraries, in their role as the academic commons of the University, welcomes proposals for displays that promote learning and engage library visitors by exploring diverse and timely topics relevant to the Western community. Displays should respect intellectual integrity and uphold freedom of inquiry, discussion and dialogue; promote Western Libraries collections and resources; and showcase the scholarly and creative output of the Western community.
III. Criteria
The following criteria will guide the review of display proposals:
- Relevance of subject to Libraries’ collections and/or role of libraries generally
- Relevance of subject to the curriculum and/or scholarly and creative activities of the University
- Relationship of display to events, programs or other activities of the University
- Potential for community engagement beyond Western
- Appeal to wide and diverse audience
- Appropriateness for location and audience
- Appropriateness of available space, including environmental conditions
- Availability of display space
IV. Responsibility of Display Organizer
Display organizers must be prepared to undertake the following when creating a display:
Display cases:
- Provide an inventory of works to be included in display
- Provide display labels where applicable, using standards established by Western Libraries to support accessibility
- Arrange materials in display cases on specified date and time
- Remove materials from display cases on specified date and time; Western Libraries also reserves the right to remove materials from display cases at any time
- Provide an inventory of works to be included in the collection
- Provide a summary of the collection
- Provide any necessary accompanying visuals for use in Omni (digital collection) using standards established by Western Libraries to support accessibility
- Provide any display labels or accompanying visuals where applicable, using standards established by Western Libraries to support accessibility
Use of rare or special collections in displays requires consultation with Archives and Special Collections staff. Guidelines for the creation of displays using rare or special collections may vary from the above, with final direction provided by Archives and Special Collections staff.
Library staff are available to help facilitate the creation of displays by providing access to display cases for setting up / taking down displays, retrieving print materials for curated collection displays, and creating virtual curated collections through Omni.
Western Libraries reserves the right to provide feedback on display quality and confirm that displays align with the original proposal.
V. Available Display Spaces
Enclosed display cases are available in the Weldon Learning Commons. Two cases are available on the main floor and four cases are available on the Mezzanine.
Bookcases for community collections are available in the Weldon Learning Commons on both the main floor and Mezzanine.
Displays should have a start and end date and will generally run a maximum of 4 months.
For more details about available display cases please visit: https://calendar.lib.uwo.ca/reserve/weldondisplays/cases
For more details about available book cases please visit: https://calendar.lib.uwo.ca/reserve/weldondisplays/bookcases
VI. Budget
Western Libraries will supply basic items required to successfully mount a display, such as appropriate adhesives (tape, sticky gum) sign holders and book stands. Western Libraries does not provide display organizers a budget for the creation of displays.
VII. Security and Insurance
Western Libraries is not responsible for the security of exhibits at any time and does not provide insurance for materials not belonging to Western Libraries. Exhibiters are responsible for reporting any damage to display spaces that may occur as a result of, or during, a display.
VIII. Publicity
As appropriate, Western Libraries may help promote the display in the following ways:
- Share social media posts that tag @westernulibs.
- Add information to the Western Libraries events web page under exhibits upon the display being completed.
- Hang posters in our libraries that the display organizer drops off at the Weldon Info Desk.
- Forward promotional email to all Western Libraries staff.
IX. Display Approval
Once your display has been approved, you will be contacted by a Western Libraries staff member to advise you of the next steps.