"this is the eighth day since you were here"

Nov 4th 1882

[H] of London asylum

London Nov 4th 1882

Mrs MB

Sevill [sic] Ont

Please Send [sic] me a jacket
hankchief [sic], and and Say [sic] noth
ing about any more free
masons, there is no use of
trying to learn any thing is
this confused place, you
will please except these few
lines, as far as I know about
this place it is a mistrey [sic] to
wonderful for me to express
with pen and ink I have plenty
to eat and drink my slippers
were vary [sic] near worn out, this is
the eighth day since you were here
if you will write how the grange
mob[sic] is flourishing in your
beautiful Province you will do
more than I can, I cannot tell
who is dead or alive we were
nothing but poor helpless children
in this place depending on faith
hope and charity I would like
to get out where I could be doing
something for a living at [sic] is not
worth while for me to staf [sic] here
any longer for I am no good
here there is no more men in this
place than can get work you will please
send for me to take me home
so that there will be room for
the rest of the gang to write
this is the first I have written
with a pen since I was taken from
home I shall be vary [sic] happy
to receive a letter from you
as soon as you get this
please answer from you
true love

Judge H.B.

P.S. have you found out
what relation you were to
your old shoe maker if you
have you can do more about
keeping account of relation ship
than I can, I belong to the british [sic]
machonic [sic] government