
Materials that cannot be accommodated in regular stacks because of their height or width are assigned either OVR (oversize), JUM (jumbo size), or MIN (miniature) in the location code.

Materials 30 cm in height or higher, or 30 cm in width or wider, based on the collation, are considered oversize.

How to apply OVR/JUM/MIN in each location:

Business (BUS)

OVR/JUM locations are not used for any materials located in Business.

Education (EDU)

Education uses the general policy, with the following exceptions:

For all material classed in PZ, OVR/JUM locations are not used.

For all locations starting with CRC, OVR is used for materials 40 cm in height/width or greater.

Note that CRCBB (CRC Big Book) is a location code; it is not based on height/width.


Use the general policy.

Law (LAW)

Use the general policy.

Music (MUS)

Music scores (all material classed in M): do not use OVR or JUM for any scores classed in M.

MUSMIN is used for scores that are less than 14 cm in height or width, when the print is reduced in size (i.e. appropriate for study use rather than performance).

Taylor (TAY)

Taylor does not use OVR. For materials 32 cm or higher/wider, use TAYJUM.

Weldon (DBW)

Weldon does not use the general policy.

Except for materials classed in N-NX, OVR is used for materials 28 cm. in height or higher, or 28 cm in width or wider.

For N to NX, OVR is used for material 40 cm in height or higher, or 40 cm in width or wider.

All other locations

Use the general policy above.

Additional information

Theses are never put into oversize locations.

All parts of a Multi-Volume Set should be shelved together. When adding items to existing records