Author Profiles

It is challenging to retrieve all the publications authored by a researcher, especially for those with a common name and/or with various spellings of the name. There are several tools available to help you distinguish yourself from other researchers.


The Open Researcher Community ID is an increasingly recognized author digital identifier that helps distinguish one researcher from others with similar names. ORCID is free, open source and non-profit. Some funding agencies (e.g. CIHR, NSERC) allow applicants put their ORCID in the applications.You can link ORCID with other identifiers, e.g. Researcher ID, LinkedIn, Scopus Author ID, etc. You can set up your ORCID as public, limited, or private.

Google Citation Profile

Researchers can sign up for Google Scholar Citations Profile with a Gmail account. The profile can be private or public. It calculates a researcher's h-index and i10-index. It also provides email alerts when Google Scholar finds new works or new citations.

Researcher ID

The Researcher ID is a Web of Science / Thomson Reuters tool to manage and share your scholarly activities and to distinguish you from other researchers. It can track your citation counts and h-index, and can also help you track other researchers in your field.

Scopus Author ID

The Scopus Author ID is a Scopus / Elsevier tool with the same features as the Researcher ID from Thomson Reuters. There is no need for you to register for a Scopus Author ID. You are automatically assigned an ID if you have a publication indexed in Scopus.