A World Without Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

By: Cornel Grey, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
Location: The D.B. Weldon Library

"A World without Gender-Based and Sexual Violence" book display.

On June 28th 2023, a female professor and two students were stabbed in a philosophy of gender class at the University of Waterloo. For many Canadians, the attack brought back memories of the 1989 Montreal Massacre in which fourteen women were killed, and several others sustained injuries. Despite progress in recent decades, students and scholars working in gender, sexuality and women’s studies have been subjected to consistent attacks on university campuses.

This collection was curated to educate the Western community about the gender-based and sexual violence that women face both on- and off-campus. The authors in this collection speak to histories of institutional misogyny and the profound impacts of sexual violence in the lives of women. Perhaps more importantly, this collection includes feminist strategies, visions, and dreams for a better world.

This exhibit also draws attention to a phenomenon known as the ‘red zone.’ Research has shown that students are most vulnerable to sexual assault on university campuses during the first 6-8 weeks of class (dubbed the ‘red zone’). These texts offer suggestions on how students might navigate consent, recognize warning signs, and support those who have been affected by gender-based and sexual violence during their time at university.

If the content of this collection is overwhelming or brings up difficult emotions, please reach out to one of the Gender-Based Violence Survivor Support Case Managers on campus at support@uwo.ca or call Anova’s 24//7 crisis & support line at 519-642-3000